Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome to the NEW About Face!

Welcome to my friends and "followers"!

"Followers" implies cult, a little bit, doesn't it? No - this isn't a cult, unless you consider a lifelong skincare obsession, trying to lure others to join me, a cult. Ok, so yes - cult skincare! But it can't be that bad, right? It's all for the greater good. I promise you.

We're the smartest most sophisticated generation yet. We have control over every aspect of our lives. Why not take control of our skin? I am here for you -- through acne and sunspots; fine lines and puffy morning eyes. I'm your girl. I try the products first. Every time. I'm the skincare junkie/lab rat/tester of all things skincare-related. And for that matter, haircare, makeup, and body-care products as well! Anything you can find listed on the "beauty" tab at the Neiman Marcus website is fair game for me.

Ok - I admit. I have a weakness for high-end products. Give me $20, and instead of buying 3 things at the drug store, I would rather buy one lipstick from the Chantecaille cosmetics line (although if you've ever used Chantecaille lipsticks, you understand).

So, here I am. For you. Send me your ideas and thoughts. I will try anything and everything! Ok, within reason. Watch for new entries each week on the latest beauty-full "find", or in some cases, beauty-blunder of the week.